Andrea tries coding with C# Tutorial For Beginners (video)

C# Tutorial For Beginners

If you are new to programming, C# (pronounced as “C sharp”) is an easy language to learn. Developed by Microsoft, it is an object-oriented, general purpose programming language that is similar to Java and C++.

It starts with an introduction to the language and covers topics like data types, variables, classes & objects and arrays. You’ll also learn about functions and loops.

Learn C# In One Video:

Learn C# with this beginner-friendly course from Microsoft. It will teach you the basics of this programming language, including tools and features. You will also learn how to apply your new skills by building projects. These projects will help you develop your understanding of the language in a hands-on way.

The tutorials on this website are free and include interactive lessons and practice exercises. They cover topics like variables, getting input from users, and using mathematical operators. You will also learn about conditionals and loops, which make decisions and control the flow of a program. You will also learn about methods, which allow you to reuse blocks of code. In addition, you will learn about arrays and encapsulation, which are both important concepts in C#.

This Udemy course will give you the foundations to build a variety of apps, games, and websites. It covers the core constructs of C# and teaches you how to use them in real-world scenarios. The instructor, Mosh Hamedani, explains the whats, whys, and hows of each topic in clear terms.


A variable is a name for a memory location in the computer. The compiler uses the variable’s name to determine what data to read from memory. Then, the variable is able to do whatever the code tells it to do.

This free online course is perfect for beginners and people who want to learn how to program. The videos are short and easy to understand, so you can start learning right away. This course will help you master the syntax of C# and develop your coding skills.

The first part of the course teaches you about the different types of variables in C#, including bool, char, sbyte, int, uint, long, ulong, object, short, ushort, and string. It also teaches you how to declare variables and how to convert between different data types. Then, the course moves on to introducing classes and how to write methods.


Whether you are a novice programmer looking to start your first project or an experienced developer who wants to pick up a new programming language, it can be challenging to separate the chaff from the wheat. This free, beginner-friendly course from LinkedIn Learning is designed to help you get started with the C# programming language.

You’ll begin by exploring the data that programs are all about. Then, you’ll learn how to assign different data types to variables and convert between them. You’ll also learn how to make decisions within a program using boolean logic and if-else statements. Finally, you’ll learn how to repeat blocks of code with for loops and while loops.

Then, you’ll explore some object-oriented programming concepts like classes and inheritance. Finally, you’ll explore how to implement methods, a key element of any class. These methods can then be inherited by subclasses.


Arrays are used to store multiple literal values of the same data type. The value of each element in an array is accessed using an index, which begins at 0. The elements are stored contiguously in memory.

An array can be declared as static or dynamic. Static arrays have a predefined number of elements, and they cannot be modified after they are defined. Dynamic arrays, on the other hand, can be added to and retrieved at any time.

In this Jump Start series, Microsoft’s Jerry Nixon and Crank211 co-founder Daren May explore core language topics such as loops, arrays, and strings. They also cover more advanced topics such as delegates, namespaces, and collections. This is a great way to get started with programming in C#. After mastering the basics, you’ll be ready to tackle more complex programs.


If you’re interested in learning to program, it’s important to find the right programming language. The wrong one can make the whole experience frustrating and difficult, and it may also take longer to learn than necessary.

The course begins with a quick tour of two fully-functional C# applications, and then provides an introduction to core language elements such as variables, types, and objects. It also covers the basics of defining classes, methods, and a looping construct.

It also guides you through some advanced topics such as the class system, inheritance, and abstract classes. Moreover, it shows you how to use the init keyword to create a default implementation for an interface member.

You will also learn how to work with anonymous types, which are class elements that can only be accessed through a public method or property. You will also be introduced to the concept of casting, which allows you to convert a value from one type to another.


C# is a modern programming language that allows developers to create Full Stack applications for desktop computers, online platforms, future technologies, and gaming. Despite some people who claim that it’s dying, the truth is that it’s expanding and has more to offer than you think.

This course provides an introduction to the C# programming language and teaches you how to use it in a practical way. The tutorial covers basic syntax, variables, data types, and objects. It also introduces you to the concepts of a class and object-oriented programming.

The tutorial also teaches you how to create a simple “Hello World” program. Then, it guides you through installing Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition to begin your coding journey. You’ll also learn about identifiers, keywords, literals, statements, and comments. In addition, you’ll get an overview of the char and string types and learn how to use list patterns.